Empowering Rural Pastors, Inc. (EMRUPA)

Supporting Pastors, Building Churches, and Empowering Individuals and Communities


About 4 in every 10 people in the world live in rural areas. A lot of rural dwellers are poor and live below the poverty line. So, it should not be surprising that many rural Churches struggle to survive as members’ offerings and tithes are not adequate to finance church activities. There is a need to ensure that the gospel is preached to everyone in the rural areas and that they are nurtured spiritually. To achieve that would require financial support for the rural churches to finance their outreach activities. Modern church Buildings in rural areas can also help. One rural dweller was once quoted as saying she has decided to be attending a “mega” church – this was about a new modern church building that God gave to the community, and not necessarily the size of the church!

Moreover, with a little capital (in the form of financial support), many rural dwellers can start a trade, expand their farming, etc., which can lead to improvements in their incomes and ultimately more tithes and offerings to the church. A woman who was helped with an equivalent of $15 in a rural community in Nigeria gained $105 (7 times the capital) in less than 3 months, trading in plantains while also paying tithes, and giving church and Pastor’s offerings. Rural Christians can be supported with school fees for their children so they also get good education, which can ultimately lift the families out of poverty. This is the vision God has given us through EMRUPA.

Our Vision

To advance the Kingdom of our Lord, Jesus Christ, in Rural Areas

Our Mission

To advance the kingdom of God by supporting pastors, building churches, and empowering individuals church members and communities in rural areas across the globe

Our Projects

Through our projects, programs, and activities, we strive to make a difference in the lives of people by undertaking initiatives that are aligned with our charitable and religious purposes.


The Gospel must be preached to everyone in the rural areas and rural Christians must be nurtured. Rural churches need funds to finance their activities. Modern church buildings are needed, and they can be the most attractive structure in a village - what a good way to project the image of our God that owns the silver and the gold. With a little financial support, many rural Christians can start a trade, expand their farming, etc. to improve their livelihood and better help them to support rural churches financially. Rural Christians can be supported with school fees for their children so they also get good education, which can ultimately lift families out of poverty. This is the vision God has given us through EMRUPA, and we ask you to prayerfully consider supporting it by making tax-deductible contributions by:

Online with PayPal, Credit Card or Debit Card on our donation page

May the Lord bless you as you Give.

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EMRUPA is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization committed to charitable and religious purposes. Our mission is to expand the gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ by supporting pastors, helping to build churches, and aiding individuals and communities, both domestically and internationally.

Empowering Rural Pastors Inc: Spreading the Gospel, Building Churches, Changing Lives